ORF documentary:
Healing explosions-history of shockwave medicine

Dear Members of the ISMST,
I am very pleased to inform you that an article was published last week which will greatly accelerate the worldwide development of shockwaves. After years of basic and clinical research, our Scientific Coordinator Prof. Johannes Holfeld, MD has finally been able to publish his RCT on the epicardial application of shockwaves to the open heart. This groundbreaking research makes it possible for the first time to offer a regenerative therapy on the heart muscle clinically. This is a significant contribution to establishing ESWT as a tissue-generating therapy.
You can get the article under the following link and here is the reaction of BBC.
I hope you will enjoy reading the article,
Your president
Wolfgang Schaden, MD, adj. Prof.
Instructional Certification Course
The experts in shockwaves will give lectures about the field’s fundamental principles and even share the treatment know-how with you. You will also be given a chance to achieve the “International shockwave therapy approval” by participating in the ICC (Instructional Certification Course) of the ISMST conference.
Become a Member of ISMST
To become a member of ISMST please take the following steps:
1. Fill in the application form
2. Pay your membership with one of the payment methods described on the application form. Membership starts with the first payment of the membership fee, where the Member will have the status of prospective membership
3. ISMST will, after checking that the payment has been made, send a confirmation e-mail to the User, providing a notification regarding the User’s correct registration as a member of ISMST. (After voting at the next AGM (Annual General Meeting of the association, normally at the next ISMST-Congress) the member will change its status of prospective) member within 2 months after the AGM.the status of prospective membership.
– Regular membership fee: € 150 / year
– Admission fee: € 100,-

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