25th ISMST

Hotel Inter-Burgo EXCO Daegu

25th WORLD CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR MEDICAL SHOCKWAVE TREATMENT Dear members of the shockwave therapy treatment industry, We are in a time where the long two years of the Covid pandemic are finally meeting its ends. We are honored to be able to invite every single one of you to the 25th ISMST […]


Hotel Casa Dann Carlton Cl. 93b #19-44, Bogotá

Dear Friends, It is a great honor and pride to chair the XI Congress of the Colombian Society of Shock Waves in Medicine OCC. Bogotá, our beloved capital, characterized by being a multicultural city and an academic benchmark, home to the highest concentration of universities for general medical training and medical-surgical specialties, awaits you with […]

DIGEST ESWT Certification course for physicians

Berlin Berlin

DIGEST ESWT Certification course for physicians Berlin, October 27-28, 2023 ESWT tendons lower extremity ESWT in myofaszial problems More information on the official web

Casos clínicos en tratamientos con ondas de choque

Nos complace enormemente anunciar que desde nuestra Sociedad, junto a ISMST, vamos a lanzar dos sesiones webinar tituladas "Casos clínicos en tratamientos con ondas de choque". Estas tendrán lugar los próximos 25 de noviembre de 2023 y 27 de enero de 2024, ambas a las 17:00pm (10:00am Colombia). En la primera edición del 25 de noviembre presentaremos todos los casos […]